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In following God's blessing and direction, the Bridge of Kindness strives to provide basic needs for the community's elderly population by: 

  • Passionate about spreading Gods love and being the hands and feet of Jesus here in the Dominican Republic.

  • Sharing the wonderful news of Jesus Christ!  

  • Assisting to improve the wellbeing of the community's elderly population.

  • Meet the physical and emotional needs of the elderly through weekly meal sharing /preparation, financial support for transportation to   doctor's appointments, medications, housing, and love. in the name of Jesus Christ





                                                                     Her journey to the Dominican began in 2008, when she traveled                                                                         with her church as part of a mission group. Beginning this journey, she                                                             did not realize the impact this trip would have on her and the dream that                                                         God would speak into her heart. The Lord made it clear that she would be                                                         moving to the Dominican Republic full time one day and that dream                                                                 never left her heart. 


                                                       This visit was beyond humbling as she never realized the extent of “poverty” until she saw it first-hand. Even though the people of the Dominican have so much they could complain about, they were kind, full of joy and eager to share with you anything they have. They are so appreciative of everything, no matter how small it may be!


Melody was blessed to be able to do a couple of additional mission trips with the church, until such time they were no longer taking groups from the church to the Dominican Republic.  After that, she continued to travel there on her own each year. She worked with the missionaries she had built strong relationships with during her visits; as well as some women and children ~ relationships that will last a lifetime!  


So, an annual mission trip, has now progressed to her moving to the Dominican Republic, just as the Lord had promised all those years ago. She never dreamed it would take so many years for God to reveal His purpose for her in the Dominican Republic, but He did on a mission trip a couple of years ago. When she first began, she always thought she would be working with children or young women, but God had a different plan.  On a trip a couple of years ago, He finally revealed to her that she would be working with the elderly population.  “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". Jeremiah 33:3


Now the real work begins, working with the local people and other mission groups in the area to build her ministry with her heart for the elderly.  She is so excited to see what God has in store.


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